Our Chiropractic office near West Fargo is available for personal injury treatments.
If you’ve incurred a personal injury, Dr. Christian Haug and Dr. Jason Drake can help. Our team of professional and caring staff will do everything within their power to assist you in recovery. In addition, if your personal injury incident is related to a legal claim, you can depend on Dr. Haug and Dr. Drake to ensure you have the necessary diagnosis and treatment records for your legal counsel’s records. We know that after a personal injury, you have several concerns. Learn about all the ways that chiropractic can help in your personal injury situation.
Immediate Emergency Care
The most important thing to concern yourself with after a personal injury is to address your physical injury. Immediately after the incident, contact us for an examination. The sooner you can see Dr. Haug and Dr. Drake, the better off you’ll be. Remember that when the body encounters a trauma, the adrenaline hormone is released. This hormone blocks pain so you can fight or flee the situation. In real life, what this means is that you may not immediately feel the pain of an injury right after it’s occurred. This is why, whether or not you think you have incurred a painful personal injury, you should seek immediate emergency care.
Diagnosis You Can Use
When you visit with Dr. Haug, Dr. Drake, and our team of specialists after a personal injury incident, you’ll receive a professional diagnosis you can use. You can take this written diagnosis to your legal counsel, who will then be able to use it in your defense case. This is a very valuable piece of evidence that may help you win your claim if there is one. if your personal injury doesn’t have to do with a legal claim, a definitive diagnosis by Dr. Haug and Dr. Drake will go a long way toward being able to make smart decisions about your treatment options.
Effective Chiropractic Treatment For Personal Injuries
Chiropractic treatment is proven to be very effective for a wide range of personal injuries like:
- Neck injuries
- Back injuries
- Spinal injuries
- Wrist and ankle injuries
- And many more…
If you or a loved one has incurred a personal injury, you can rely on Dr. Haug and Dr. Drake to help you through it. Whether you need a professional diagnosis for legal reasons, effective treatment, or simply the expertise of a team of experienced professionals, call Great Plains Chiropractic at (701) 234-0057 for assistance. We’ll be glad to help.